With Preflight Pro, you can quickly identify and solve prepress problems, eliminating incomplete files and wasted film.
If you are not familiar with Extensis, we have been building software that extends the productivity of all major graphic arts applications for over three years. Our other award winning products include:
* PageTools for PageMaker
* QX-Tools for QuarkXPress
* Intellihance for Photoshop
* PhotoTools for Photoshop
* CyberPress for QuarkXPress
* Extensis Portfolio (Formerly Adobe and Aldus Fetch)
* VectorTools for Illustrator and Freehand
* Mask Pro for Photoshop
We offer full functioning demos of all our products at our web site; please visit us soon at www.extensis.com and download our productivity enhancing software.
Preflight Pro™ only works with:
• Mac OS System 7.5.1 or higher
• QuarkXPress 3.3.1 or higher
Contacting Extensis
To reach us for technical support or general questions please use one of the following methods:
Ph: 503-274-7030
Fax: 503-274-0530
America OnLine: Extensis
CompuServe: 70242,33
Internet: support@extensis.com
Web: www.extensis.com
Our web site includes a detailed, up-to-date FAQ/troubleshooting page for Preflight Pro. If you have troubleshooting or functionality questions, please visit www.extensis.com or contact Extensis technical support.
US Mail:
Extensis Corporation
1800 SW First Ave.
Suite 500
Portland, OR 97201
Extensis Europe:
Zonnebaan 34
3606 CB Maarssen
The Netherlands
Phone #31 (0)30 247 50 50
Fax #31 (0)30 241 20 39
Support #01 503 274 7030
Internet: extensis@euronet.nl
Installing and registering Preflight Pro™
The Preflight Pro XTension is installed into your QuarkXPress XTension folder.
A Preflight Pro 1.0 folder is installed at the root of your startup disk. This folder contains the Preflight Pro application.
After launching Preflight Pro, you will be requested to serialize and register the software. Please enter the serial number located on the back of the manual. If you do not have a serial number, you can choose to run Preflight Pro in demo mode; demo mode allows full functionality for 30 days.
Please register using one of the built-in electronic registration methods. If you do not have a modem, fax/modem, or printer, you may fill out the registration card in the back of the manual.
Microtek Scanners
Microtek scanners may interfere with the built-in electronic registration process. If you are using a Microtek scanner, please turn it off before attempting to register Preflight Pro. You may turn the scanner back on once the registration process is complete.
Manual Errata
Additions to the General Preferences after the manual went to press:
Prompt for Output Instructions when Adding Documents
This feature prompts the user to enter Output Instructions when a new document is added to the Job Jacket. If multiple documents are added, it will set the same Output Instructions for all.
Only Analyze when Building Report
After the inspection process is completed, an analysis of the documents in the Job occurs. The information gained by the analysis helps to generate a report and updates the page and error icons in the Job Jacket. This process can take awhile with larger documents. When this preference is on, analysis only occurs when a report is built, or when 'Update Analysis Now' is selected from the 'Profile' menu. This means the page and error icons will not be accurate until an analysis is updated.
Disable Picture Previews (smaller Job files)
This feature disables the storing of all the picture thumbnails in the Job file. Jobs with lots of pictures can increase the size of the Job file. If this feature is enabled, picture previews will not be available for viewing in any Picture Get Info window. This feature will not remove pictures from an existing Job file, it will not add any new ones after the preference is enabled.
Display Measurements in: Inches, Millimeters
This feature allows the user to globally change the way measurements are listed for each element of the job, including the trim size fields in the Output Instructions.
General Notes and Compatibility Comments
The 1.5.1 version of Azalea Prepress XTension interferes with the Show button in the Preflight Pro Pilot palette. The 1.7 version, now offered by Luminous, addresses this problem. It is available from the www.luminous.com web site, when a copy of Trapwise or Presswise is downloaded.
Preflight Pro reports DCS pictures, created with extra channels by In Software's Platemaker Plug-In, as being in grayscale mode.